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NJCEDV strives to increase the public’s awareness about domestic violence prevention, and the ways we can all work together to end domestic violence in our communities.

NJCEDV provides education, training and support to advocates, community partners, and educators on ways to engage communities in primary prevention efforts. 

NJCEDV is guided by our Social Change Plan in approaching violence prevention workThe Social Change Plan identifies three pathways to prevention that will help us achieve our goal of ending intimate partner abuse- Healing Practices, Social Justice, and Connections. We recognize every individual has a right to healing and that healing may look different for one person than it does for another. We work towards social justice by recognizing the impact that violence and abuse has had on marginalized communities, and the role that oppressive systems and policies have had on perpetuating harm and inequity throughout communitiesWe also recognize that everyone is connected to domestic violence in some way, and that there is a role that every person, organization, and community can play in preventing domestic violence.

Engaging Men and Boys in Communities

With support from the NJ Department of Children and Families’ Division on Women, NJCEDV provides training, education and technical assistance on engaging men and boys as allies in the work to end gender based violence.

NJ Men of Courage Regional Groups – Available to anyone who is interested or actively involved in engaging men and boys work.

The NJ Men of Courage network seeks to rewrite the narrative that has socialized men and boys to believe that men who demonstrate hyper masculine traits are favored and valued, and those who do not are alienated and seen as inferior. The NJMOC work to interrupt these long-held beliefs, and to lead young men and boys toward healthier ways of being for themselves, their partners, and their communities.

  • Northern
  • Central
  • Southern
  • *NJMOC Thriving Thursday Alumni Group – Available to all who have attended an ACTM Institute. (Bi- Monthly) 

Support and Technical Assistance

The NJCEDV Prevention Forum exists to serve as a space for Preventionists (advocates, educators and community leaders) to obtain peer support, share resources, training and technical assistance around Prevention best practices and cross-system collaborations.

  • 4th Thursday of the month, 10am-12pm
  • Contact NJCEDV Prevention Manager, Wil DuBose, for more information at

Teen Dating Violence Resources

Click on the links to view, share and download the resources below.