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How To Support LGBTQ+ Survivors of Domestic Violence

  • Not all survivors are women, not all people who cause harm are men. Survivors and/or people who cause harm can be any gender identity or expression.
  • Empower survivors to reclaim a sense of control over their lives and healing through their decision making.
  • Listen without judgement.
  • Be available. Let survivors and victims know you are there for them.
  • Be patient. Healing takes time.
  • Celebrate resilience and victoriesno matter how small.
  • Offer support, resources, and information.
Full Newsletter
[Against a rainbow backgroud, a purple square reads

NJCEDV's 21st Statewide Conference: Audacious Advocacy

Mark your calendars!

NJCEDV is excited to announce that our in-person 21st statewide conference will be on Thursday, September 26th, 2024!

Learn from national and state experts on ways we can collectively create change, while improving access and equity for the most marginalized survivors.

ID: against a white background with blue and orange semi circles is a faded group of people sitting together with the words save the date in bolded purple. The bottom left corner has the NJCEDV logo and reads as follows 21st Statewide Conference: Audacious Advocacy September 26th, 2024.

NJCEDV's 21st Statewide Conference: Audacious Advocacy

NJCEDV is thrilled to announce our 2024 Conference: Audacious Advocacy. Your support will help us highlight innovative work in the field of domestic violence from national and state experts, to ensure accessibility for all attendees, and to provide advocates across New Jersey with a day of learning, networking, and wellness. Any additional funding raised over the cost of the conference will go directly to meet the immediate needs of survivors – especially those most marginalized. This fund provides resources for childcare, transportation, housing, legal representation, and other critical needs for survivors. 

Sponsorship Packet


ID: Against a white background with blue outline reads the definition of Audacious Advocacy: showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks in supporting a cause. The top right has the NJCEDV circle logo and reads 21st Statewide Conference: Audacious Advocacy September 26th, 2024. The bottom right corner reads NJCEDV collaborative sponsorship 2024 packet.

NJCEDV in the News

For NJ domestic violence survivors, affordable housing can be a matter of life or death: Cierra Hart, Director of Housing, Economic Justice, and Advocacy at NJCEDV, highlights the significant barrier survivors face in escaping domestic violence due to the shortage of affordable housing in New Jersey. Cierra explains why proposed legislation on affordable housing is crucial for providing a lifeline to survivors.

Domestic violence survey details extensive scope of problem in NJ: Outlines the Center for Hope and Safety’s work to end domestic violence, along with an interview with NJCEDV’s Co-Executive, Nicole Morella, about the housing crisis survivors are facing in New Jersey.


ID: Against a purple background is the Trenton Statehouse faded with NEWS bolded in blue 5 times. In the top right is NJCEDV in the news bolded in blue.

Anti- Racism is Our Movement

Learn more about our anti-racism work and how you can support the movement.

Moment of Truth Statement

Anti-Racism is Our Movement Statement
ID: against a white background are 6 outlines of hands in various shades of brown.

Deaf Advocacy Project

Culturally sensitive advocacy, education and supportive services

Learn More
ID: against a white background are two hands. One is holding up two fingers and the other is in a fist with a rocket ship tattoo.

Inclusion Matters

Learn how NJCEDV is centering the voices and needs of survivors in our work to end domestic violence.

Learn More
ID: Against a white background are two folks who may be perceived as males facing one another.

NJCEDV COVID-19 Resources

Get updates on services and tips for staying safe and healthy during the COVID-19 crisis.

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ID: against a purple background reads COVID-19 Resources for DV Survivors and Service Providers.