NJ Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline:
Call 1-800-572-SAFE (7233)
National Domestic Violence Videophone
for Deaf survivors:
Call 1-855-812-1001, or Text LOVEIS to 22522
The New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence
The NJ Coalition to End Domestic Violence (NJCEDV) envisions a society where all are free from oppression, injustice, and violence.

Social Justice
NJCEDV works with advocates across the state to increase equity in all of our systems, and to end oppression, injustice and harm against all individuals and communities.

The New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence (NJCEDV) works to increase public awareness about preventing domestic violence and encourages collective efforts to end it in our communities.

With advocates and survivors across the state and country, NJCEDV advocates for state and federal policies to increase access to services, and safety for all survivors and communities.

The NJ Coalition to End Domestic Violence provides training and education to member programs, community partners, and the community at large with the goal of creating systems and communities that are better informed on domestic violence and the ways we can work individually and collectively to respond to and prevent domestic violence in NJ.