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The New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence (NJCEDV) works to increase public awareness about preventing domestic violence and encourages collective efforts to end it in our communities.

NJCEDV provides education, training, and support to advocates, community partners, and educators, focusing on ways to engage communities in primary prevention efforts.

Our Approach What is Prevention? Initiatives Resources

Our Approach

We are committed to social justice by acknowledging the impact of violence and abuse on marginalized communities and the role of oppressive systems and policies in perpetuating harm and inequality.

NJCEDV recognizes that everyone is connected to domestic violence in some way, and that each person, organization, and community has a role to play in preventing it.

Because the factors that increase the risk of violence are often the same as those for other issues, NJCEDV takes a multi-disciplinary approach to prevention. Our work involves not only addressing violence directly but also building and celebrating community strengths.

What is Prevention?

Domestic violence prevention can be performed at three levels:

Primary Prevention

Uses strategies to stop violence before it ever has a chance to occur.

This requires us to address root causes of violence, such as oppression and inequity. Domestic violence, like all forms of oppression, is created and maintained by power and control. Primary prevention seeks to change the culture, conditions, and social norms in our environments.


Secondary Prevention

Uses strategies that focus on groups that are identified as high risk for experiencing or using abuse.

This could include support groups or screening programs.

Engagine Men and Boys Community Action Initiative

Tertiary Prevention

Uses strategies after violence has occurred to reduce the likelihood of it reoccurring in the future.

This could include long-term support services for survivors and long-term programming for individuals who cause harm.

Abuse Intervention Programs

Prevention Initiatives


Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA): Achieving Health through Addressing Disparities (AHEAD) is a CDC-funded project for state Domestic Violence Coalitions.

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Engaging Men and Boys Community Action Initiative

With support from the NJ Department of Children and Families’ Division on Women, NJCEDV provides training, education and technical assistance on engaging men and boys as allies in the work to end gender-based violence.

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Abuse Intervention Programs

Abuse Intervention Programs (AIP) refers to treatment modalities aimed at addressing and preventing abusive and controlling behavior among individuals who have caused harm against a current or former intimate partner.

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Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence is a pattern of behavior used by one person to gain power and control over their dating partner.  It can include physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, psychological, digital, and/or economic abuse.

Our Teen Dating Violence resources are available to teens and anyone supporting them, including parents, friends, educators, coaches, and other loved ones.

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Support and Technical Assistance

The NJCEDV Prevention Forum exists to serve as a space for Preventionists (advocates, educators and community leaders) to obtain peer support, share resources, training and technical assistance around Prevention best practices, community engagement and cross-system collaboration.

  • 4th Thursday of the month, 10am-12pm
  • Contact NJCEDV Prevention Director, Wil DuBose, for more information at